
New updates and improvements to Outline.
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JSON Import / Export

Outline export options

Outline now supports importing and exporting documents in JSON format. This is useful for migrating data between Outline instances, or for backing up your data in a format that retains more information than a lossy Markdown export.

We also recently added HTML export, which can be used for archiving your data in a format that can be viewed directly in a browser.

Other fixes and improvements

  • When we send an email for document changes that includes a modified table only the portion of the table that has changed is now included in the email
  • Users with "viewer" permission can now subscribe to document changes
  • Fixed an error that could prevent login with Microsoft if signed into multiple Microsoft accounts
  • Drag and drop in the sidebar got a little smoother
  • Links with strikethrough now work with the hover preview
  • Added snytax highlighting for Visual Basic