
New updates and improvements to Outline.
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Import from Confluence

We've made further improvements to importing, in particular it's now possible to import .doc files that are exported from Confluence, this is now the recommended format to get content from Confluence into Outline as it supports the greatest range of formatting – including tables.

We plan on releasing a CLI tool soon to allow bulk import for Confluence, Notion, GitHub and other services – watch this space!

Other fixes and improvements


  • Teams using Google Workspace to sign-in can now still search their wiki from Slack after connecting in settings (previously this required Slack auth).
  • Notification emails are now a little delayed to reduce the chances of receiving too many.
  • Realtime connections are now more performant in Safari, aka the websocket doesn't always fall back to long-polling!


  • When scrolling to headers from the table of contents the document will no longer scroll behind the fixed header area.
  • There is no longer an erroneous pointer cursor on headings.